📄️ Creating versioned docs
Docusaurus can manage multiple versions of your docs.
📄️ Support versioned and non-versioned docs
You may have a use-case where some part of your documentation is non-versioned and another part is versioned. Docusaurus supports multi-instance docs since the docs functionality is a plugin itself and can be re-used multiple times.
📄️ Translate your site
Let's translate docs/intro.md to French.
📄️ Configure OpenAPI plugins
As part of this template repo, two options have been tested and provided for including OpenAPI documentation directly into Docusaurus. The major benefit of this is that it can be managed all within Docusaurus without linking to separate OpenAPI documentation and incurring more fragmentation in the docs system.
📄️ Disable automatic semantic release
By default, this repo includes semantic-release package to automatically create releases in GitHub once a push or PR has been merged into main branch.
📄️ Google Analytics
Google Tag Manager and GTag are Docusaurus plugins available for Google Analytics.
📄️ Production deployment
The recommended method to deploying your docs site is by using Vercel.
📄️ Enable search bar
Docusaurus has official support for Algolia Search as the primary method of integrating search into docs.
📄️ CSpell checking
It is recommended to use cspell to do spell checks for you which is automatically run when you git commit or if you manually run npm run lint:spelling.
🗃️ Configuration Files
3 items