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Configure OpenAPI plugins

As part of this template repo, two options have been tested and provided for including OpenAPI documentation directly into Docusaurus. The major benefit of this is that it can be managed all within Docusaurus without linking to separate OpenAPI documentation and incurring more fragmentation in the docs system.

Demo Plugins included​

Click on the links to see the demo.

  • redocusaurus
  • docusaurus-plugin-openapi-docs Disabled for now due to version compatibility with latest Docusaurus

Choosing between both plugins​

Setup requirementsDoes not require extra CLI steps to generate OpenAPI MarkdownRequires additional setup in project to generate the Markdown
StylingIs a wrapper around Redocly and does not fit in completely with Docusaurus but is functionally very completeGenerates Markdown which fits in like documentation in Docusaurus

redocusaurus configuration​

const redocusaurus = [
specs: [
id: "using-remote-url",
// Remote File
spec: "",
route: "/api/",
theme: {
* Highlight color for docs
primaryColor: "#3655d5",
* Options to pass to redoc
* @see
options: { disableSearch: true },
* Options to pass to override RedocThemeObject
* @see
theme: {},

Above is an example of how to configure the Redocusaurus plugin; this is also the same configuration used in this repo as part of the demo.

docusaurus-plugin-openapi-docs configuration​

See more
const docusaurusApi2 = [
id: "openapi",
docsPluginId: "classic", // e.g. "classic" or the plugin-content-docs id
config: {
api: {
"", // path or URL to the OpenAPI spec
outputDir: "docs/test-api", // output directory for generated *.mdx and sidebar.js files
template: "api.mustache", // Customize API MDX with mustache template
sidebarOptions: {
groupPathsBy: "tag",
categoryLinkSource: "tag",

Removing a Plugin​

As these plugins are npm modules installed into the project, they can be easily removed by doing the following:

  1. npm uninstall <plugin_dependency_name> where <plugin_dependency_name> is either redocusaurus or (docusaurus-plugin-openapi-docs and docusaurus-theme-openapi-docs)
  2. To reduce clutter, you can also choose to remove the configuration as seen above by deleting them from your docusaurus.config.js.
  3. Ensure that all references to the configuration is also removed from docusaurus.config.js. Delete the entire lines beginning with const redocusaurus and/or const docusaurusApi2 depending on what you want to remove.
  4. Under the const config object, there is also a plugins and themes key which must have the references removed.